//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| xLiquidex_v2_mod1.mq4 | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| "xLiquidex_v2_mod1" | //|Copyright ?2008 - 2014,TFXKENYA SBGInter | //| info@sbginter.com | //| improved by jaguar1637 for several things //| - Equity protection //| - Hours trading and deleting pending trades outside working hours //| - Put all Bid in ticks in a matrix //| - calculating volatility for resizing all the tick matrices //| //| //| //| //| //| //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "xLiquidex_v2_mod1" #property link "info@sbginter.com" //---- constant values ------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #define Account_Number 898264 // write here the number of account; 0 = does not check the number of account #define IndicatorFileName_KC "Keltner Channels" //---- external parameters --------------------------------------------------------------------+ extern string DispEquityProtection = "if true, then the expert will protect the account equity to the percent specified"; extern bool EquityProtection = true; // if true, then the expert will protect the account equity to the percent specified extern string AverageEquityProtection ="percent of the account to protect on a set of trades"; extern int AccountEquityPercentProtection= 75; // percent of the account to protect on a set of trades extern bool UseMM = true; // enable/disable auto-calculation for size of lots: false = constant size of lots (value of parameter "Lots"); true = calculate size of lots by percent from FreeMargin (parameter "Risk") extern double Lots = 0.01; // size of lots (used if UseMM = false) extern double MinLots = 0.01; extern double MaxLots = 100000.0; extern double Risk = 3.0; extern int BarAndMA_Mode = 0; //2; // (0-3) mode for rule "bullish(bearish) bar should be above(below) MA": 0 = does not use this rule; 1 = Close of bar should be above(below) MA; 2 = body of bar should be above(below) MA; 3 = Low(High) of bar should be above(below) MA extern int RangeFilter = 10; // (amount pips) minimum body of candle for trading signal extern double StopLoss = 0; // (amount pips) stop-loss; 0 = without stop-loss extern double TakeProfit = 10; // (amount pips) take profit; 0 = without take profit extern double MoveToBE = 5; // (amount pips) profit when move the stop-loss level to opening price; 0 = without move to BE (option is disabled) extern double MoveToBE_Offset = 2; // (amount pips) offset of the new level stop-loss from the opening price of order, positive_value = offset to side of profit, negative_value = offset to side of loss extern int TrailingLimit = 3; // (amount pips) distance to pending order extern int TrailingDistance = 1; // (amount pips) trailing stop; 0 = without trailing-stop extern int MAPeriod = 7; extern int MAShift = 0; extern int MAMethod = MODE_LWMA; // (0-3) extern double MaxSpreadWithCommission = 20.0; // (amount pips) extern double DefaultCommisionPoints = 0; // (amount pips) extern string RangeFilterNote = "H-S 0-0: 250 0-1: 300 1-0: 80 1-1: 250"; extern string MAMethodNote = "SMA: 0 EMA: 1 SMMA: 2 LWMA 3"; extern int Slippage = 3; // (amount pips) maximum price slippage at open and close orders extern int MagicNumber = 41403; extern string TradeComment = "Liquidex_MKH-M15"; extern color ColorBuy = clrLime; // color arrows of Buy-orders extern color ColorSell = clrOrange; // color arrows of Sell-orders extern bool ShowComment = true; // enable/disable show comment on chart extern bool WriteDebugLog = false; // enable/disable write to log the debug information extern string ___Keltner_Channel____ = "---------------------------------------------"; extern bool UseFilterKeltnerChannel = false; // true = use indicator "Keltner Channels"; false = does not use indicator "Keltner Channels" extern int KC_Period = 6; //12; // parameter for indicator "Keltner Channels" //----- global variables ----------------------------------------------------------------------+ extern string partInRange = "sur EURJPY par de trades entre 23h et 2 heures du mat"; extern int EntryHourFrom = 2; extern int EntryHourTo = 24; extern int FridayEndHour = 22; extern string part_iVAR = " Ivar pour supprimer les fausses entrees periods = 5 par def "; extern int TimeFrameiVAR = 1; extern int periods = 5; extern double a1 = 0.01; extern double a2 = 0.01; extern double a3 = 0.55; extern double a4 = 0.54; //|------------------------------------------ // TICKWARE //|__________________________________________ extern int TicksPeriod = 33; extern int Length = 33; //14; //Period of evaluation for AVG Bears and Bulls by default 14 extern int MA_Mode = 3; //2; //MA Mode: 0-SMA,1-EMA,2-Wilder(SMMA),3-LWMA extern int NumTicks = 0; //TimeFrame in ticks (=0 if NumSecs > 0) extern int NumSecs = 70; // 0; //20; //TimeFrame in secs (=0 if NumTicks > 0) extern string DispMaxBars = " MaxBars is matrix 'size, correlated to volatility check out"; extern int MaxBars = 350 ;// 150; //Max Number of Bars int maxsize = 1200; // 1200 *0.2 (minimal time) gives a Time frame 4MN double Ticks[]; double Bulls[]; double Bears[]; double AvgBulls[]; double AvgBears[]; double tRSI; extern bool UseRSI = false; int RSIdirection = 0; double Hi; double Lo; double tOpen; double tClose; int tickCounter=0, barCounter, pSecs; datetime pTime; string short_name, t; int LastTm; double max = -1000000.0; double min = 1000000.0; double stoplevel, freezelevel; string message; //////////////////////////////////////////////////// int slippage; int digits; double point; int my_digits; double my_point; int pips_digits; int lots_digits; double minlots; double maxlots; string symbol; double risk; double maxSpreadWithCommission; double trailingLimit; double trailingDistance; double rangeFilter; bool gotCommissionPointsFromTrade; double commissionPoints; double spreadHistory[30]; int spreadHistoryCount = 0; string objname_hline; bool is_testing; double main_sl; double main_tp; double main_be_profit; double main_be_offset; static int account_number; static bool is_ok; int OnInit() { ArrayInitialize(spreadHistory,0.0); is_testing = IsTesting(); symbol = Symbol(); digits = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_DIGITS); point = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_POINT); if(digits == 0) { my_point = 1.0; my_digits = 0; } else { if(digits < 2) { my_point = 0.1; my_digits = 1; } else { if(digits < 4) { my_point = 0.01; my_digits = 2; } else { my_point = 0.0001; my_digits = 4; } } } if(StringFind(symbol,"XAU") >= 0 || StringFind(symbol,"GOLD") >= 0) { my_point = 0.1; my_digits = 1; } else { if(StringFind(symbol,"XAG") >= 0 || StringFind(symbol,"SILVER") >= 0) { my_point = 0.01; my_digits = 2; } } pips_digits = digits - my_digits; double correction = MathPow(10,pips_digits); slippage = Slippage * correction; stoplevel = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_STOPLEVEL)*MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_POINT),digits); freezelevel = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_FREEZELEVEL); lots_digits = MathLog(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_LOTSTEP)) / MathLog(0.1); minlots = NormalizeDouble(MathMax(MinLots,MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MINLOT)),lots_digits); maxlots = NormalizeDouble(MathMin(MaxLots,MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MAXLOT)),lots_digits); Lots = NormalizeDouble(Lots,lots_digits); if(Lots < minlots) Lots = minlots; else if(Lots > maxlots) Lots = maxlots; if(WriteDebugLog) { Print(StringConcatenate("Digits: ",DoubleToStr(digits,0),", Point: ",DoubleToStr(point,digits))); Print(StringConcatenate("LotsDigits: ",DoubleToStr(lots_digits,0),", MinLots: ",DoubleToStr(minlots,lots_digits),", MaxLots: ",DoubleToStr(maxlots,lots_digits))); } risk = Risk / 100.0; main_sl = NormalizeDouble(my_point * StopLoss, digits); main_tp = NormalizeDouble(my_point * TakeProfit, digits); main_be_profit = NormalizeDouble(my_point * MoveToBE, digits); main_be_offset = NormalizeDouble(my_point * MoveToBE_Offset, digits); maxSpreadWithCommission = NormalizeDouble(my_point * MaxSpreadWithCommission,digits+1); trailingLimit = NormalizeDouble(my_point * TrailingLimit, digits); trailingDistance = NormalizeDouble(my_point * TrailingDistance, digits); rangeFilter = NormalizeDouble(my_point * RangeFilter, digits); commissionPoints = NormalizeDouble(my_point * DefaultCommisionPoints, digits+1); gotCommissionPointsFromTrade = false; if(BarAndMA_Mode < 0 || BarAndMA_Mode > 3) BarAndMA_Mode = 0; account_number = Account_Number; objname_hline = StringConcatenate("last_history_check_",symbol,strtf(Period()),"_",DoubleToStr(MagicNumber,0)); // ------------------------------------------- // TICK WARE RSI pTime = Time[0]; pSecs = TimeCurrent(); maxsize = MaxBars; ArraySetAsSeries(Ticks, false); ArrayResize(Ticks, maxsize+1); ArraySetAsSeries(Ticks,true); ArraySetAsSeries(Bulls, false); ArrayResize(Bulls, maxsize+1); ArraySetAsSeries(Bulls,true); ArraySetAsSeries(Bears, false); ArrayResize(Bears, maxsize+1); ArraySetAsSeries(Bears,true); ArraySetAsSeries(AvgBulls, false); ArrayResize(AvgBulls, maxsize+1); ArraySetAsSeries(AvgBulls,true); ArraySetAsSeries(AvgBears, false); ArrayResize(AvgBears, maxsize+1); ArraySetAsSeries(AvgBears,true); //---- get commission ----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if(!gotCommissionPointsFromTrade) { for(int i=OrdersHistoryTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) { if(!OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)) continue; if(OrderProfit() == 0.0) continue; if(OrderSymbol() != symbol) continue; double order_open_price = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(), digits); double order_close_price = NormalizeDouble(OrderClosePrice(),digits); if(order_open_price == order_close_price) continue; double pip_rate = MathAbs(OrderProfit() / (order_close_price - order_open_price)); commissionPoints = (0.0 - OrderCommission()) / pip_rate; if(WriteDebugLog) Print(StringConcatenate("CommissionPoints: ",DoubleToStr(commissionPoints,digits))); gotCommissionPointsFromTrade = true; break; } } return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); } //////////////////////// bool InRange() { bool Result=false; if((EntryHourFrom<=EntryHourTo && Hour()>=EntryHourFrom && Hour()<=EntryHourTo) || (EntryHourFrom>EntryHourTo && (Hour()>=EntryHourFrom || Hour()<=EntryHourTo))) Result=true; return(Result); } ///////////// bool IsSafetyForTrade() { bool Result=false; // if (DayOfWeek() == 0) return(Result); if(DayOfWeek()!=5 || FridayEndHour<0 || DayOfWeek()!= 0 || (DayOfWeek()==5 && EntryHourFrom<=EntryHourTo && Hour()EntryHourTo && FridayEndHour>=EntryHourFrom && Hour()EntryHourTo && FridayEndHourEntryHourTo && FridayEndHour=FridayEndHour && Hour()>=EntryHourFrom)) Result=true; return(Result); } //////////////////////// bool iVAR() { bool Result=false; double iVAR_1=iCustom(symbol,TimeFrameiVAR,"iVAR_nmc",periods,0,1); double iVAR_2=iCustom(symbol,TimeFrameiVAR,"iVAR_nmc",periods,0,2); if(iVAR_2>a1 && iVAR_1>a2 && iVAR_20;cnt--) { if (OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { order_type = OrderType(); if ((OrderSymbol()==symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) ) { if (order_type==OP_SELLLIMIT || order_type==OP_BUYLIMIT || order_type==OP_BUYSTOP || order_type==OP_SELLSTOP) { signal_delete = OrderDelete(OrderTicket()); } } } } } // STEP 3 // MOVING NEW BID INSIDE MATRIX // Voir comment mettre la courbe des ticks dans une matrice raffinee // Ici c est la base de la logique. // faut il lisser la courbe avant de faire un iMAOnArray dessus ? // je ferais une version avec fourier ou bien IHP21 // sinon, un slope direction line .. a voir if(WriteDebugLog) { Print(" STEP 3" ); } // TICK RSI tickCounter++; bool tcond = false; if(NumTicks > 0 && NumSecs == 0) tcond = tickCounter > 0 && tickCounter % NumTicks == 0; if(NumTicks == 0 && NumSecs > 0) tcond = TimeCurrent() >= pSecs + NumSecs; if(tcond) { barCounter ++; double oldbid = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID),digits); if(!isNewBar()) { ShiftArray(0); Ticks[0] = oldbid; tickCounter = 0; } RefreshRates(); if (NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID),digits) != oldbid ) { tickCounter ++; Ticks[barCounter] = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID),digits); } Hi = TickHighest(Ticks,TicksPeriod); Lo = TickLowest(Ticks,TicksPeriod); if(NumSecs > 0) pSecs = TimeCurrent(); } if(barCounter>=1) { oldbid = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID),digits); if(isNewBar()) { ShiftArray(1); Ticks[0] = oldbid; barCounter = 0; // for simplification } RefreshRates(); if (NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID),digits) != oldbid ) { barCounter ++; Ticks[barCounter] = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID),digits); } Hi = TickHighest(Ticks,TicksPeriod); Lo = TickLowest(Ticks,TicksPeriod); } if(barCounter >= MaxBars) { barCounter = 0; } Bulls[0] = MathAbs(Ticks[0]-Ticks[1])+(Ticks[0]-Ticks[1]); Bears[0] = MathAbs(Ticks[0]-Ticks[1])-(Ticks[0]-Ticks[1]); int len = Length; if(MA_Mode == 2) len = 2*Length - 1; if(barCounter > len) { if(MA_Mode == 0) { AvgBulls[0] = TickSMA(Bulls, len); AvgBears[0] = TickSMA(Bears, len); } else if(MA_Mode == 1 || MA_Mode == 2) { if(barCounter == len+1) { AvgBulls[0] = TickSMA(Bulls, len); AvgBears[0] = TickSMA(Bears, len); } else if(barCounter > len+1) { AvgBulls[0] = TickEMA(Bulls, AvgBulls, len); AvgBears[0] = TickEMA(Bears, AvgBears, len); } } else if(MA_Mode == 3) { AvgBulls[0] = TickLWMA(Bulls, len); AvgBears[0] = TickLWMA(Bears, len); } if (AvgBulls[0] != 0) tRSI = 100.0/(1+AvgBears[0]/AvgBulls[0]); else tRSI = 0.00000001; } // STEP 4 //---- calculate average spread ------------------------------------------------------------+ if(WriteDebugLog) { Print(" STEP 4" ); } double spread = NormalizeDouble(Ask - Bid,digits); ArrayCopy(spreadHistory,spreadHistory,0,1,29); spreadHistory[29] = spread; if(spreadHistoryCount < 30) spreadHistoryCount++; double spreadHistorySum = 0.0; for(i=29; i>=30-spreadHistoryCount; i--) spreadHistorySum += spreadHistory[i]; double spreadAverage = spreadHistorySum / spreadHistoryCount; //double askWithCommission = NormalizeDouble(Ask + commissionPoints,digits); //double bidWithCommission = NormalizeDouble(Bid - commissionPoints,digits); double spreadAverageWithCommission = NormalizeDouble(spreadAverage + commissionPoints,digits+1); // STEP 5 //---- detect trading signal ---------------------------------------------------------------+ ///////////////////////////////////////////// if(WriteDebugLog) { Print(" STEP 5" ); } double stddev_ema0 = iStdDev(symbol, 0, 20, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1); double xhigh = iHigh(symbol, 0, 0); double xlow = iLow(symbol, 0, 0); double xopen = iOpen(symbol, 0, 0); //double maLow = iMA(NULL, 0, MAPeriod, MAShift, MAMethod, PRICE_LOW, 0); //double maHigh = iMA(NULL, 0, MAPeriod, MAShift, MAMethod, PRICE_HIGH, 0); //----------------------- // ORIG //----------------------- double ma = NormalizeDouble(iMA(symbol,0,MAPeriod,MAShift,MAMethod,PRICE_CLOSE,0),digits); double close = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID),digits); double open = NormalizeDouble(iOpen(symbol,0,0),digits); double range = NormalizeDouble(MathAbs(open - close),digits); // STEP 6 //--------- direction ------------------------------------- if(WriteDebugLog) { Print(" STEP 6" ); } int bar_direction = 0; if(close > open) bar_direction++; else if(close < open) bar_direction--; bar_direction /= is_ok; if(UseFilterKeltnerChannel) { double kc_upper = NormalizeDouble(iCustom(NULL,0,IndicatorFileName_KC,KC_Period,0,0),digits); double kc_lower = NormalizeDouble(iCustom(NULL,0,IndicatorFileName_KC,KC_Period,2,0),digits); } if(BarAndMA_Mode == 0) { bool barandma_allow_buy = true; bool barandma_allow_sell = true; } else { switch(BarAndMA_Mode) { case 1: barandma_allow_buy = close > ma; barandma_allow_sell = close < ma; break; case 2: barandma_allow_buy = open > ma && close > ma; barandma_allow_sell = open < ma && close < ma; break; case 3: barandma_allow_buy = NormalizeDouble(iLow (NULL,0,0),digits) > ma; barandma_allow_sell = NormalizeDouble(iHigh(NULL,0,0),digits) < ma; break; } } if (UseRSI) { if (Bid < ma && open>Bid && tRSI < 50 ) { RSIdirection = -1; // SELL } else if (Bid > ma && open 50 ) { RSIdirection = +1; // BUY } } // STEP 7 /////////// DIRECTION CALCULATING // THE MOST IMPORTANT if(WriteDebugLog) { Print(" STEP 7 RSIdirection=",RSIdirection ); } int direction = 0; if(range > rangeFilter) { if(close < ma && bar_direction < 0) { if( (!UseFilterKeltnerChannel || close < kc_lower) && (!UseRSI || RSIdirection < 0)) direction++; // SELL } else { if(close > ma && bar_direction > 0) { if( (!UseFilterKeltnerChannel || close > kc_upper) && (!UseRSI || RSIdirection > 0)) direction--; // BUY } } } direction /= is_ok; // STEP 8 //---- place pending order immediately after closing previous order ------------------------+ if(WriteDebugLog) { Print(" STEP 8 direction=",direction ); } int total_history_orders = OrdersHistoryTotal()-1; for( i = total_history_orders; i>=0; i--) { if(!OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)) continue; if(OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber || OrderSymbol() != symbol || OrderType() > OP_SELL ) continue; datetime last_history_check = GetHLineValue(objname_hline); if(OrderCloseTime() < last_history_check) break; if(OrderCloseTime() > last_history_check) { if(direction != 0) { if(direction < 0) { if(barandma_allow_buy) { order_open_price = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_ASK) + trailingLimit,digits); double order_lots = GetLots(); int ticket = OrderSendEx(symbol,OP_BUYSTOP,order_lots,order_open_price,slippage,0.0,0.0,TradeComment,MagicNumber,0,ColorBuy); if(ticket < 0) Print(StringConcatenate("BUYSTOP Send Error: LT = ",DoubleToStr(order_lots,lots_digits)," OP = ",DoubleToStr(order_open_price,digits)," Bid = ",DoubleToStr(Bid,digits)," Ask = ",DoubleToStr(Ask,digits))); } } else { if(barandma_allow_sell) { order_open_price = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID) - trailingLimit,digits); order_lots = GetLots(); ticket = OrderSendEx(symbol,OP_SELLSTOP,order_lots,order_open_price,slippage,0.0,0.0,TradeComment,MagicNumber,0,ColorSell); if(ticket < 0) Print(StringConcatenate("SELLSTOP Send Error: LT = ",DoubleToStr(order_lots,lots_digits)," OP = ",DoubleToStr(order_open_price,digits)," Bid = ",DoubleToStr(Bid,digits)," Ask = ",DoubleToStr(Ask,digits))); } } } DrawLine(objname_hline,TimeCurrent()); break; } } // STEP 9 //---- watch orders ------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if(WriteDebugLog) { Print(" STEP 9 direction=",direction ); } int num_orders = 0; //double stoplevel = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_STOPLEVEL)*point,digits); total_orders = OrdersTotal()-1; for(i= total_orders ; i>=0; i--) { if(!OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)) continue; if(OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber ||OrderSymbol() != symbol || OrderSymbol() != symbol) continue; order_type = OrderType(); if(order_type == OP_BUYLIMIT || order_type == OP_SELLLIMIT) continue; num_orders++; order_open_price = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(), digits); order_close_price = NormalizeDouble(OrderClosePrice(),digits); double order_stop_loss = NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(), digits); double order_take_profit = NormalizeDouble(OrderTakeProfit(),digits); switch(order_type) { case OP_BUY: if(StopLoss > 0.0 || TakeProfit > 0.0) { bool to_modify_sl = false; if(StopLoss > 0.0 && order_stop_loss == 0.0) { double new_stop_loss = NormalizeDouble(order_open_price - main_sl,digits); if(NormalizeDouble(order_close_price - new_stop_loss,digits) >= stoplevel) to_modify_sl = true; else new_stop_loss = order_stop_loss; } else new_stop_loss = order_stop_loss; bool to_modify_tp = false; if(TakeProfit > 0.0 && order_take_profit == 0.0) { double new_take_profit = NormalizeDouble(order_open_price + main_tp,digits); if(NormalizeDouble(new_take_profit - order_close_price,digits) >= stoplevel) to_modify_tp = true; else new_take_profit = order_take_profit; } else new_take_profit = order_take_profit; if(to_modify_sl || to_modify_tp) { bool no_error = OrderModifyEx(OrderTicket(),order_open_price,new_stop_loss,new_take_profit,0,ColorBuy); if(!no_error) Print(StringConcatenate("BUY Modify (SL/TP) Error: OP = ",DoubleToStr(order_open_price,digits)," SL = ",DoubleToStr(new_stop_loss,digits)," TP = ",DoubleToStr(new_take_profit,digits)," Bid = ",DoubleToStr(Bid,digits)," Ask = ",DoubleToStr(Ask,digits))); break; } } if(MoveToBE > 0.0) { double new_stop_loss_be = NormalizeDouble(order_open_price + main_be_offset,digits); if(order_stop_loss == 0.0 || new_stop_loss_be > order_stop_loss) { double order_profit = NormalizeDouble(order_close_price - order_open_price,digits); if(order_profit >= main_be_profit) { if(order_profit >= stoplevel) { no_error = OrderModifyEx(OrderTicket(),order_open_price,new_stop_loss_be,order_take_profit,0,ColorBuy); if(!no_error) Print(StringConcatenate("BUY Modify (BE) Error: OP = ",DoubleToStr(order_open_price,digits)," SL = ",DoubleToStr(new_stop_loss_be,digits)," Bid = ",DoubleToStr(Bid,digits)," Ask = ",DoubleToStr(Ask,digits))); break; } } } } if(TrailingDistance > 0) { new_stop_loss = NormalizeDouble(order_close_price - trailingDistance,digits); if(order_stop_loss == 0.0 || new_stop_loss > order_stop_loss) { no_error = OrderModifyEx(OrderTicket(),order_open_price,new_stop_loss,order_take_profit,0,ColorBuy); if(!no_error) Print(StringConcatenate("BUY Modify (TS) Error: OP = ",DoubleToStr(order_open_price,digits)," SL = ",DoubleToStr(new_stop_loss,digits)," Bid = ",DoubleToStr(Bid,digits)," Ask = ",DoubleToStr(Ask,digits))); break; } } break; case OP_SELL: if(StopLoss > 0.0 || TakeProfit > 0.0) { to_modify_sl = false; if(StopLoss > 0.0 && order_stop_loss == 0.0) { new_stop_loss = NormalizeDouble(order_open_price + main_sl,digits); if(NormalizeDouble(new_stop_loss - order_close_price,digits) >= stoplevel) to_modify_sl = true; else new_stop_loss = order_stop_loss; } else new_stop_loss = order_stop_loss; to_modify_tp = false; if(TakeProfit > 0.0 && order_take_profit == 0.0) { new_take_profit = NormalizeDouble(order_open_price - main_tp,digits); if(NormalizeDouble(order_close_price - new_take_profit,digits) >= stoplevel) to_modify_tp = true; else new_take_profit = order_take_profit; } else new_take_profit = order_take_profit; if(to_modify_sl || to_modify_tp) { no_error = OrderModifyEx(OrderTicket(),order_open_price,new_stop_loss,new_take_profit,0,ColorSell); if(!no_error) Print(StringConcatenate("SELL Modify (SL/TP) Error: OP = ",DoubleToStr(order_open_price,digits)," SL = ",DoubleToStr(new_stop_loss,digits)," TP = ",DoubleToStr(new_take_profit,digits)," Bid = ",DoubleToStr(Bid,digits)," Ask = ",DoubleToStr(Ask,digits))); break; } } if(MoveToBE > 0.0) { new_stop_loss_be = NormalizeDouble(order_open_price - main_be_offset,digits); if(order_stop_loss == 0.0 || new_stop_loss_be < order_stop_loss) { order_profit = NormalizeDouble(order_open_price - order_close_price,digits); if(order_profit >= main_be_profit) { if(order_profit >= stoplevel) { no_error = OrderModifyEx(OrderTicket(),order_open_price,new_stop_loss_be,order_take_profit,0,ColorSell); if(!no_error) Print(StringConcatenate("SELL Modify (BE) Error: OP = ",DoubleToStr(order_open_price,digits)," SL = ",DoubleToStr(new_stop_loss_be,digits)," Bid = ",DoubleToStr(Bid,digits)," Ask = ",DoubleToStr(Ask,digits))); break; } } } } if(TrailingDistance > 0) { new_stop_loss = NormalizeDouble(order_close_price + trailingDistance,digits); if(order_stop_loss == 0.0 || new_stop_loss < order_stop_loss) { no_error = OrderModifyEx(OrderTicket(),order_open_price,new_stop_loss,order_take_profit,0,ColorSell); if(!no_error) Print(StringConcatenate("SELL Modify (TS) Error: OP = ",DoubleToStr(order_open_price,digits)," SL = ",DoubleToStr(new_stop_loss,digits)," Bid = ",DoubleToStr(Bid,digits)," Ask = ",DoubleToStr(Ask,digits))); break; } } break; case OP_BUYSTOP: if(!barandma_allow_buy) { Print("BarAndMA_Mode: to delete order"); OrderDeleteEx(OrderTicket(),ColorBuy); break; } double current_price = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_ASK),digits); double new_open_price = NormalizeDouble(current_price + trailingLimit,digits); if(new_open_price < order_open_price) { no_error = OrderModifyEx(OrderTicket(),new_open_price,order_stop_loss,order_take_profit,0,ColorBuy); if(!no_error) Print(StringConcatenate("BUYSTOP Modify Error: OP = ",DoubleToStr(new_open_price,digits)," SL = ",DoubleToStr(new_stop_loss,digits)," Bid = ",DoubleToStr(Bid,digits)," Ask = ",DoubleToStr(Ask,digits))); } break; case OP_SELLSTOP: if(!barandma_allow_sell) { Print("BarAndMA_Mode: to delete order"); OrderDeleteEx(OrderTicket(),ColorSell); break; } current_price = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID),digits); new_open_price = NormalizeDouble(current_price - trailingLimit,digits); if(new_open_price > order_open_price) { no_error = OrderModifyEx(OrderTicket(),new_open_price,order_stop_loss,order_take_profit,0,ColorSell); if(!no_error) Print(StringConcatenate("SELLSTOP Modify Error: OP = ",DoubleToStr(new_open_price,digits)," SL = ",DoubleToStr(new_stop_loss,digits)," Bid = ",DoubleToStr(Bid,digits)," Ask = ",DoubleToStr(Ask,digits))); } break; } } //---- open position -----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if(num_orders == 0 && direction != 0 && spreadAverageWithCommission <= maxSpreadWithCommission) { if(direction < 0) { order_open_price = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_ASK); // NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_ASK) + trailingLimit,digits); order_lots = GetLots(); ticket = OrderSendEx(symbol,OP_BUY,order_lots,order_open_price,slippage,0.0,0.0,TradeComment,MagicNumber,0,ColorBuy); if(ticket < 0) Print(StringConcatenate("BUY Send Error: LT = ",DoubleToStr(order_lots,lots_digits)," OP = ",DoubleToStr(order_open_price,digits)," SL = ",DoubleToStr(order_stop_loss,digits)," Bid = ",DoubleToStr(Bid,digits)," Ask = ",DoubleToStr(Ask,digits))); } else { order_open_price = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID); // NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID) - trailingLimit,digits); order_lots = GetLots(); ticket = OrderSendEx(symbol,OP_SELL,order_lots,order_open_price,slippage,0.0,0.0,TradeComment,MagicNumber,0,ColorSell); if(ticket < 0) Print(StringConcatenate("SELL Send Error: LT = ",DoubleToStr(order_lots,lots_digits)," OP = ",DoubleToStr(order_open_price,digits)," SL = ",DoubleToStr(order_stop_loss,digits)," Bid = ",DoubleToStr(Bid,digits)," Ask = ",DoubleToStr(Ask,digits))); } } //---- show comment ------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if(ShowComment || WriteDebugLog) { if(!UseFilterKeltnerChannel) string comm_kc = ""; else comm_kc = StringConcatenate("Keltner: upper = ",DoubleToStr(kc_upper,digits),", lower = ",DoubleToStr(kc_lower,digits),"\n"); message = StringConcatenate("Copyrighted by www.sbginter.com & www.eaihub.com\n", "Contact us : info@sbginter.com / info@eaihub.com\n", "Licence type : Opensource\n", "Account Name : ",AccountName(),"\n", "Account Number : ",DoubleToStr(AccountNumber(),0),"\n", "AvgSpread : ",DoubleToStr(spreadAverage,digits),"\n", "Balance : ",DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(),2)," $\n", "Equity : ",DoubleToStr(AccountEquity(),2)," $\n", "Commission rate : ",DoubleToStr(commissionPoints,digits+1),"\n", "Real avg. spread : ",DoubleToStr(spreadAverageWithCommission,digits+1),"\n", "MA = ",DoubleToStr(ma,digits),"\n", "Range = ",DoubleToStr(range/my_point,pips_digits)," pips\n", comm_kc ); if(spreadAverageWithCommission > maxSpreadWithCommission) { message = StringConcatenate(message,"\n", "Robot is OFF :: Real avg. spread is too high for this scalping strategy ( ",DoubleToStr(spreadAverageWithCommission,digits+1)," > ",DoubleToStr(maxSpreadWithCommission,digits+1)," )" ); } if(ShowComment) Comment(message); if(WriteDebugLog) if(num_orders != 0 || direction != 0) PrintLineLine(message); } return; } //---- PrintLineLine --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ void PrintLineLine(string text) { int start_pos; int position = -1; while(position < StringLen(text)) { start_pos = position + 1; position = StringFind(text,"\n",start_pos); if(position == -1) { Print(StringSubstr(text,start_pos)); return; } Print(StringSubstr(text,start_pos,position-start_pos)); } } //---- DrawLine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ void DrawLine(string sName, double dPrice, color cLineClr = CLR_NONE) { if(ObjectFind(sName) == -1) ObjectCreate(sName,OBJ_HLINE,0,0,0); ObjectSet(sName,OBJPROP_PRICE1,dPrice); ObjectSet(sName,OBJPROP_COLOR, cLineClr); } //---- GetHLineValue --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ double GetHLineValue(string name) { if(ObjectFind(name) == -1) return(-1); else return(ObjectGet(name,OBJPROP_PRICE1)); } //---- strtf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ string strtf(int tf) { switch(tf) { case PERIOD_M1: return("M1"); case PERIOD_M5: return("M5"); case PERIOD_M15: return("M15"); case PERIOD_M30: return("M30"); case PERIOD_H1: return("H1"); case PERIOD_H4: return("H4"); case PERIOD_D1: return("D1"); case PERIOD_W1: return("W1"); case PERIOD_MN1: return("MN1"); default: return("Unknown timeframe"); } } //---- GetLots --------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ double GetLots() { if(!UseMM) double lots = Lots; else { double money = AccountBalance() * AccountLeverage() * risk; lots = NormalizeDouble(money / MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_LOTSIZE),lots_digits); } if(lots < minlots) lots = minlots; else if(lots > maxlots) lots = maxlots; return(lots); } //---- ErrorDescription -----------------------------------------------------------------------+ string ErrorDescription(int error_code) { switch(error_code) { case 0: case 1: string error_string="no error"; break; case 2: error_string="common error"; break; case 3: error_string="invalid trade parameters"; break; case 4: error_string="trade server is busy"; break; case 5: error_string="old version of the client terminal"; break; case 6: error_string="no connection with trade server"; break; case 7: error_string="not enough rights"; break; case 8: error_string="too frequent requests"; break; case 9: error_string="malfunctional trade operation (never returned error)"; break; case 64: error_string="account disabled"; break; case 65: error_string="invalid account"; break; case 128: error_string="trade timeout"; break; case 129: error_string="invalid price"; break; case 130: error_string="invalid stops"; break; case 131: error_string="invalid trade volume"; break; case 132: error_string="market is closed"; break; case 133: error_string="trade is disabled"; break; case 134: error_string="not enough money"; break; case 135: error_string="price changed"; break; case 136: error_string="off quotes"; break; case 137: error_string="broker is busy (never returned error)"; break; case 138: error_string="requote"; break; case 139: error_string="order is locked"; break; case 140: error_string="long positions only allowed"; break; case 141: error_string="too many requests"; break; case 145: error_string="modification denied because order too close to market"; break; case 146: error_string="trade context is busy"; break; case 147: error_string="expirations are denied by broker"; break; case 148: error_string="amount of open and pending orders has reached the limit"; break; case 149: error_string="hedging is prohibited"; break; case 150: error_string="prohibited by FIFO rules"; break; case 4000: error_string="no error (never generated code)"; break; case 4001: error_string="wrong function pointer"; break; case 4002: error_string="array index is out of range"; break; case 4003: error_string="no memory for function call stack"; break; case 4004: error_string="recursive stack overflow"; break; case 4005: error_string="not enough stack for parameter"; break; case 4006: error_string="no memory for parameter string"; break; case 4007: error_string="no memory for temp string"; break; case 4008: error_string="not initialized string"; break; case 4009: error_string="not initialized string in array"; break; case 4010: error_string="no memory for array\' string"; break; case 4011: error_string="too long string"; break; case 4012: error_string="remainder from zero divide"; break; case 4013: error_string="zero divide"; break; case 4014: error_string="unknown command"; break; case 4015: error_string="wrong jump (never generated error)"; break; case 4016: error_string="not initialized array"; break; case 4017: error_string="dll calls are not allowed"; break; case 4018: error_string="cannot load library"; break; case 4019: error_string="cannot call function"; break; case 4020: error_string="expert function calls are not allowed"; break; case 4021: error_string="not enough memory for temp string returned from function"; break; case 4022: error_string="system is busy (never generated error)"; break; case 4050: error_string="invalid function parameters count"; break; case 4051: error_string="invalid function parameter value"; break; case 4052: error_string="string function internal error"; break; case 4053: error_string="some array error"; break; case 4054: error_string="incorrect series array using"; break; case 4055: error_string="custom indicator error"; break; case 4056: error_string="arrays are incompatible"; break; case 4057: error_string="global variables processing error"; break; case 4058: error_string="global variable not found"; break; case 4059: error_string="function is not allowed in testing mode"; break; case 4060: error_string="function is not confirmed"; break; case 4061: error_string="send mail error"; break; case 4062: error_string="string parameter expected"; break; case 4063: error_string="integer parameter expected"; break; case 4064: error_string="double parameter expected"; break; case 4065: error_string="array as parameter expected"; break; case 4066: error_string="requested history data in update state"; break; case 4099: error_string="end of file"; break; case 4100: error_string="some file error"; break; case 4101: error_string="wrong file name"; break; case 4102: error_string="too many opened files"; break; case 4103: error_string="cannot open file"; break; case 4104: error_string="incompatible access to a file"; break; case 4105: error_string="no order selected"; break; case 4106: error_string="unknown symbol"; break; case 4107: error_string="invalid price parameter for trade function"; break; case 4108: error_string="invalid ticket"; break; case 4109: error_string="trade is not allowed in the expert properties"; break; case 4110: error_string="longs are not allowed in the expert properties"; break; case 4111: error_string="shorts are not allowed in the expert properties"; break; case 4200: error_string="object is already exist"; break; case 4201: error_string="unknown object property"; break; case 4202: error_string="object is not exist"; break; case 4203: error_string="unknown object type"; break; case 4204: error_string="no object name"; break; case 4205: error_string="object coordinates error"; break; case 4206: error_string="no specified subwindow"; break; default: error_string="unknown error"; } return(error_string); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ string OrderTypeToStr(int order_type) { switch(order_type) { case OP_BUY: string result = "Buy"; break; case OP_SELL: result = "Sell"; break; case OP_BUYLIMIT: result = "BuyLimit"; break; case OP_SELLLIMIT: result = "SellLimit"; break; case OP_BUYSTOP: result = "BuyStop"; break; case OP_SELLSTOP: result = "SellStop"; break; default: result = "Unknown"; break; } return(result); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //---- OrderSendEx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OrderSendEx(string order_symbol, int order_type, double order_lots, double order_open_price, int order_slippage, double order_stop_loss, double order_take_profit, string order_comment = "", int order_magic_number = 0, datetime order_expiration = 0, color order_color = CLR_NONE, string parent_fun_name = "") { #define number_attempts_send 3 #define number_attempts_send_select 3 if(StringLen(parent_fun_name) > 0) parent_fun_name = StringConcatenate(parent_fun_name," -> "); int err_129 = 0; int err_130 = 0; int err_137 = 0; int err_138 = 0; int err_4107 = 0; if(order_symbol == "" || order_symbol == "0") order_symbol = symbol; int order_digits = MarketInfo(order_symbol,MODE_DIGITS); order_open_price = NormalizeDouble(order_open_price,order_digits); order_stop_loss = NormalizeDouble(order_stop_loss,order_digits); order_take_profit = NormalizeDouble(order_take_profit,order_digits); while(true) { if(!is_testing) { if(!IsExpertEnabled()) { int ticket = -1; break; } } RefreshRates(); double ask = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(order_symbol,MODE_ASK),order_digits); double bid = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(order_symbol,MODE_BID),order_digits); //double stoplevel = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(order_symbol,MODE_STOPLEVEL)*MarketInfo(order_symbol,MODE_POINT),order_digits); if(order_type > OP_SELL) { if(order_open_price <= 0.0) { ticket = -1; break; } if((order_type % 2) == OP_BUY) double current_price = ask; else current_price = bid; switch(order_type) { case OP_BUYLIMIT: case OP_SELLSTOP: double distance = NormalizeDouble(current_price - order_open_price,order_digits); break; case OP_BUYSTOP: case OP_SELLLIMIT: distance = NormalizeDouble(order_open_price - current_price,order_digits); break; } if(distance < stoplevel) { ticket = -1; break; } if(order_slippage < 0) order_slippage = 0; } else { if(order_type == OP_BUY) { if(order_open_price <= 0.0) order_open_price = ask; } else { if(order_open_price <= 0.0) order_open_price = bid; } if(order_slippage < 0) order_slippage = slippage; } if(order_stop_loss != 0) { if((order_type % 2) == OP_BUY) distance = NormalizeDouble(order_open_price - order_stop_loss,order_digits); else distance = NormalizeDouble(order_stop_loss - order_open_price,order_digits); if(distance < stoplevel) { ticket = -1; break; } } if(order_take_profit != 0) { if((order_type % 2) == OP_BUY) distance = NormalizeDouble(order_take_profit - order_open_price,order_digits); else distance = NormalizeDouble(order_open_price - order_take_profit,order_digits); if(distance < stoplevel) { ticket = -1; break; } } if(!is_testing) while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(1000); GetLastError(); ticket = OrderSend(order_symbol,order_type,order_lots,order_open_price,order_slippage,order_stop_loss,order_take_profit,order_comment,order_magic_number,order_expiration,order_color); if(ticket < 0) { int err = GetLastError(); Print(StringConcatenate(parent_fun_name,"OrderSendEx: OrderSend(",OrderTypeToStr(order_type),") ",ErrorDescription(err))); bool cont = false; switch(err) { case 0: Sleep(10000); break; case 6: //Sleep(10000); //if(IsConnected()) cont = true; break; case 128: Sleep(70000); break; case 129: Sleep(6000); err_129++; if(err_129 <= number_attempts_send) cont = true; break; case 130: Sleep(6000); err_130++; if(err_130 <= number_attempts_send) cont = true; break; case 134: Sleep(6000); break; case 135: cont = true; break; case 136: Sleep(6000); cont = true; break; case 137: Sleep(20000); err_137++; if(err_137 <= number_attempts_send) cont = true; break; case 138: err_138++; if(err_138 <= number_attempts_send) cont = true; break; case 140: if((order_type % 2) == OP_BUY) cont = true; break; case 142: Sleep(70000); break; case 143: Sleep(70000); break; case 146: while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(1000); cont = true; break; case 147: order_expiration = 0; cont = true; break; case 4000: Sleep(10000); break; case 4107: err_4107++; if(err_4107 <= number_attempts_send) cont = true; break; case 4110: if((order_type % 2) == OP_SELL) cont = true; break; case 4111: if((order_type % 2) == OP_BUY) cont = true; break; } if(!cont) break; } else break; } return(ticket); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //---- OrderModifyEx --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool OrderModifyEx(int order_ticket, double new_open_price, double new_stop_loss, double new_take_profit, datetime new_expiration = -1, color order_color = CLR_NONE, string parent_fun_name = "") { #define number_attempts_modify 3 #define number_attempts_modify_select 3 #define number_attempts_modify_wait 30 if(StringLen(parent_fun_name) > 0) parent_fun_name = StringConcatenate(parent_fun_name," -> "); int err_129 = 0; int err_130 = 0; int err_137 = 0; int err_138 = 0; int err_145 = 0; while(true) { if(!is_testing) { if(!IsExpertEnabled()) { bool error = false; break; } } RefreshRates(); int counter_attempts_select = 0; while(counter_attempts_select < number_attempts_modify_select) { if(OrderSelect(order_ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET)) break; Print(StringConcatenate(parent_fun_name,"OrderModifyEx: OrderSelect() error = ",ErrorDescription(GetLastError()))); Sleep(1000); counter_attempts_select++; } if(counter_attempts_select >= number_attempts_modify_select) { error = false; break; } if(OrderCloseTime() != 0) { error = true; break; } string order_symbol = OrderSymbol(); int order_type = OrderType(); int order_digits = MarketInfo(order_symbol,MODE_DIGITS); new_open_price = NormalizeDouble(new_open_price, order_digits); new_stop_loss = NormalizeDouble(new_stop_loss, order_digits); new_take_profit = NormalizeDouble(new_take_profit,order_digits); double order_open_price = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(), order_digits); double order_close_price = NormalizeDouble(OrderClosePrice(),order_digits); double order_stop_loss = NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(), order_digits); double order_take_profit = NormalizeDouble(OrderTakeProfit(),order_digits); datetime order_expiration = OrderExpiration(); //double stoplevel = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(order_symbol,MODE_STOPLEVEL)*MarketInfo(order_symbol,MODE_POINT),order_digits); bool to_modify = false; if(order_type > OP_SELL) { if(new_open_price < 0 || new_open_price == order_open_price) { double modify_open_price = order_open_price; if(NormalizeDouble(MathAbs(modify_open_price - order_close_price),order_digits) < stoplevel) { error = false; break; } } else { modify_open_price = new_open_price; to_modify = true; bool to_modify2 = true; switch(order_type) { case OP_BUYLIMIT: case OP_SELLSTOP: if(NormalizeDouble(order_close_price - modify_open_price,order_digits) < stoplevel) to_modify2 = false; break; case OP_BUYSTOP: case OP_SELLLIMIT: if(NormalizeDouble(modify_open_price - order_close_price,order_digits) < stoplevel) to_modify2 = false; break; } if(!to_modify2) { error = false; break; } } if(new_expiration < 0 || new_expiration == order_expiration) double modify_expiration = order_expiration; else { modify_expiration = new_expiration; to_modify = true; } double second_price = modify_open_price; } else { modify_open_price = order_open_price; modify_expiration = order_expiration; second_price = order_close_price; } if(new_stop_loss < 0 || new_stop_loss == order_stop_loss) double modify_stop_loss = order_stop_loss; else { modify_stop_loss = new_stop_loss; to_modify = true; } if(new_take_profit < 0 || new_take_profit == order_take_profit) double modify_take_profit = order_take_profit; else { modify_take_profit = new_take_profit; to_modify = true; } if(!to_modify) { error = true; break; } if((order_type % 2) == OP_BUY) { if(modify_stop_loss != 0.0 && NormalizeDouble(second_price - modify_stop_loss,order_digits) < stoplevel) { error = false; break; } if(modify_take_profit != 0.0 && NormalizeDouble(modify_take_profit - second_price,order_digits) < stoplevel) { error = false; break; } } else { if(modify_stop_loss != 0.0 && NormalizeDouble(modify_stop_loss - second_price,order_digits) < stoplevel) { error = false; break; } if(modify_take_profit != 0.0 && NormalizeDouble(second_price - modify_take_profit,order_digits) < stoplevel) { error = false; break; } } if(!is_testing) { for(int i=0; i= number_attempts_modify_wait) continue; } GetLastError(); error = OrderModify(order_ticket,modify_open_price,modify_stop_loss,modify_take_profit,modify_expiration,order_color); if(!error) { int err = GetLastError(); Print(StringConcatenate(parent_fun_name,"OrderModifyEx(",OrderTypeToStr(order_type),",",DoubleToStr(order_ticket,0),") error = ",ErrorDescription(err))); bool cont = false; switch(err) { case 0: Sleep(10000); cont = true; break; case 6: Sleep(10000); if(IsConnected()) cont = true; break; case 128: Sleep(70000); cont = true; break; case 129: Sleep(6000); err_129++; if(err_129 <= number_attempts_modify) cont = true; break; case 130: Sleep(6000); err_130++; if(err_130 <= number_attempts_modify) cont = true; break; case 134: Sleep(6000); cont = true; break; case 135: cont = true; break; case 136: Sleep(6000); cont = true; break; case 137: Sleep(20000); err_137++; if(err_137 <= number_attempts_modify) cont = true; break; case 138: err_138++; if(err_138 <= number_attempts_modify) cont = true; break; case 142: Sleep(70000); cont = true; break; case 143: Sleep(70000); cont = true; break; case 145: //Sleep(20000); //err_145++; //if(err_145 <= number_attempts_modify) cont = true; break; case 146: while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(1000); cont = true; break; case 147: new_expiration = 0; cont = true; break; case 4000: Sleep(10000); cont = true; break; } if(!cont) break; } else break; } return(error); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //---- OrderDeleteEx --------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool OrderDeleteEx(int order_ticket, color order_color = CLR_NONE, string parent_fun_name = "") { #define number_attempts_delete 3 #define number_attempts_delete_select 3 if(StringLen(parent_fun_name) > 0) parent_fun_name = StringConcatenate(parent_fun_name," -> "); int err_129 = 0; int err_130 = 0; int err_137 = 0; int err_138 = 0; while(true) { if(!is_testing) { if(!IsExpertEnabled()) { bool error = false; break; } } RefreshRates(); int counter_attempts_select = 0; while(counter_attempts_select < number_attempts_delete_select) { if(OrderSelect(order_ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET)) break; Print(StringConcatenate(parent_fun_name,"OrderDeleteEx: OrderSelect() error = ",ErrorDescription(GetLastError()))); Sleep(1000); counter_attempts_select++; } if(counter_attempts_select >= number_attempts_delete_select) { error = false; break; } if(OrderCloseTime() != 0) { error = true; break; } if(!is_testing) while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(1000); int order_type = OrderType(); GetLastError(); if(order_type <= OP_SELL) error = OrderClose(order_ticket,OrderLots(),OrderClosePrice(),slippage,order_color); else error = OrderDelete(order_ticket,order_color); if(!error) { int err = GetLastError(); Print(StringConcatenate(parent_fun_name,"OrderDeleteEx(",OrderTypeToStr(order_type),",",DoubleToStr(order_ticket,0),") error = ",ErrorDescription(err))); bool cont = false; switch(err) { case 0: Sleep(10000); cont = true; break; case 6: Sleep(10000); if(IsConnected()) cont = true; break; case 128: Sleep(70000); cont = true; break; case 129: Sleep(6000); err_129++; if(err_129 <= number_attempts_delete) cont = true; break; case 130: Sleep(6000); err_130++; if(err_130 <= number_attempts_delete) cont = true; break; case 134: Sleep(6000); cont = true; break; case 135: cont = true; break; case 136: Sleep(6000); cont = true; break; case 137: Sleep(20000); err_137++; if(err_137 <= number_attempts_delete) cont = true; break; case 138: err_138++; if(err_138 <= number_attempts_delete) cont = true; break; case 142: Sleep(70000); cont = true; break; case 143: Sleep(70000); cont = true; break; case 145: //Sleep(20000); //cont = true; break; case 146: while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(1000); cont = true; break; case 4000: Sleep(10000); cont = true; break; } if(!cont) break; } else break; } return(error); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //---- OrderCloseEx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool OrderCloseEx(int order_ticket, double order_lots, double order_close_price, int order_slippage, color order_color = CLR_NONE, string parent_fun_name = "") { #define number_attempts_close 3 #define number_attempts_close_select 3 #define number_attempts_close_wait 30 if(StringLen(parent_fun_name) > 0) parent_fun_name = StringConcatenate(parent_fun_name," -> "); int err_129 = 0; int err_130 = 0; int err_137 = 0; int err_138 = 0; while(true) { if(!is_testing) { if(!IsExpertEnabled()) { bool error = false; break; } } RefreshRates(); int counter_attempts_select = 0; while(counter_attempts_select < number_attempts_close_select) { if(OrderSelect(order_ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET)) { int order_digits = MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_DIGITS); break; } Print(StringConcatenate(parent_fun_name,"OrderCloseEx: OrderSelect() error = ",ErrorDescription(GetLastError()))); Sleep(1000); counter_attempts_select++; } if(counter_attempts_select >= number_attempts_close_select) { error = false; break; } if(OrderCloseTime() != 0) { error = true; break; } int order_type = OrderType(); if(!is_testing) { for(int i=0; i= number_attempts_close_wait) continue; } RefreshRates(); GetLastError(); order_close_price = NormalizeDouble(OrderClosePrice(),order_digits); error = OrderClose(order_ticket,order_lots,order_close_price,order_slippage,order_color); if(!error) { int err = GetLastError(); Print(StringConcatenate(parent_fun_name,"OrderCloseEx(",OrderTypeToStr(order_type),",",DoubleToStr(order_ticket,0),") error = ",ErrorDescription(err))); bool cont = false; switch(err) { case 0: Sleep(10000); if(OrderSelect(order_ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET)) if(OrderCloseTime() == 0) cont = true; break; case 6: Sleep(10000); if(IsConnected()) cont = true; break; case 128: Sleep(70000); if(OrderSelect(order_ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET)) if(OrderCloseTime() == 0) cont = true; break; case 129: Sleep(6000); err_129++; if(err_129 <= number_attempts_close) cont = true; break; case 130: Sleep(6000); err_130++; if(err_130 <= number_attempts_close) cont = true; break; case 135: cont = true; break; case 136: Sleep(6000); cont = true; break; case 137: Sleep(20000); err_137++; if(err_137 <= number_attempts_close) cont = true; break; case 138: err_138++; if(err_138 <= number_attempts_close) cont = true; break; case 142: Sleep(70000); if(OrderSelect(order_ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET)) if(OrderCloseTime() == 0) cont = true; break; case 143: Sleep(70000); if(OrderSelect(order_ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET)) if(OrderCloseTime() == 0) cont = true; break; case 145: //Sleep(20000); //cont = true; break; case 146: while(IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(1000); cont = true; break; case 4000: Sleep(10000); if(OrderSelect(order_ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET)) if(OrderCloseTime() == 0) cont = true; break; } if(!cont) break; } else break; } return(error); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////::::: //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ /// TICK RSI void ShiftArray(int mode) { if(mode==0) { for(int cnt=barCounter; cnt >= 0; cnt--) { Ticks[cnt] = Ticks[cnt-1]; Bulls[cnt] = Bulls[cnt-1]; Bears[cnt] = Bears[cnt-1]; AvgBulls[cnt] = AvgBulls[cnt-1]; AvgBears[cnt] = AvgBears[cnt-1]; } } else { for(cnt=1; cnt <= barCounter; cnt++) { Ticks[cnt-1] = Ticks[cnt]; Bulls[cnt-1] = Bulls[cnt]; Bears[cnt-1] = Bears[cnt]; AvgBulls[cnt-1] = AvgBulls[cnt]; AvgBears[cnt-1] = AvgBears[cnt]; Ticks[cnt] = 0.0; Bulls[cnt] = 0.0; Bears[cnt] = 0.0; AvgBulls[cnt] = 0.0; AvgBears[cnt] = 0.0; } } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double TickLowest(double& array[],int per) { double lowest = 1000000; for(int i = 0;i < per;i++) lowest = MathMin(lowest,array[i]); return(lowest); } double TickHighest(double& array[],int per) { double highest = 0; for(int i = 0;i < per;i++) highest = MathMax(highest,array[i]); return(highest); } double TickSMA(double &array[],int per) { double Sum = 0; for(int i = 0;i < per;i++) { Sum += array[i]; } return(Sum/per); } double TickEMA(double& array1[],double& array2[],int per) { return(array2[1] + 2.0/(1+per)*(array1[0] - array2[1])); } double TickLWMA(double& array[],int per) { double Sum = 0; double Weight = 0; for(int i = 0;i < per;i++) { Weight+= (per - i); Sum += array[i]*(per - i); } if(Weight>0) double lwma = Sum/Weight; else lwma = 0; return(lwma); }